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Boxer Enmanuel Reyes Pla: "My goal is gold in Paris"

The Cuban boxer became nationalized as Spanish. He will compete in the 2024 Olympic Games, representing the Iberian country for the second time, in this type of events.

The boxerEmmanuel Reyes Plan, originally from Havana and naturalized Spanish, will compete in the Olympic Games in Paris 2024 and has a very clear objective: Win the gold medal in his category.

Reyes Pla expressed his confidence and determination in a recent interview with blogger Boxeo Gallego, highlighting his excellent state of physical preparation and mental focus.

"I feel good, I thank God for obtaining the classification and being calmer ahead of the Olympics. Now it's just a matter of calmly preparing these remaining four months to reach 100%," explained the boxer.

This will be his second time representing Spain in the Olympic Games. He fully trusts his ability to overcome challenges: "My biggest rival is myself and only I can make that happen," he said.

The story of Reyes Pla is one of struggle and perseverance. He arrived in Spain after a tough migratory route from Cuba, with numerous obstacles.

Reyes Pla: Migratory route of the boxer until reaching Spain

After becoming runner-up in his homeland, against Eryslandy Savón in the heavyweight category,Enmanuel Reyes Pla decided to emigrate to fulfill his dream to become an Olympic medalist.

His journey took him to Moscow and then to several countries in Europe, where he faced moments of uncertainty, challenges and even prison terms for being an illegal immigrant.

After several stays in refugee centers, he managed to reach Galicia, where he was welcomed by his family and joined theSpanish Boxing Federation.

His Olympic debut in Tokyo was positive, but he had a tough timedefeat against the Cuban Julio César la Cruz; and left without medals.

"I came to Spain because they always behaved well with my family and I wanted to defend their colors. They bet on me. I am not an Olympic athlete for money, but for the glory of being a champion," said Reyes Pla in 2020. A whole cycle of preparation since then and the Cuban is ready to fight again for his objective.

The Olympics in Paris promises to be a crucial event. The boxer is in the best shape to represent Spain and fight for Olympic gold.

His message to his followers and the world of boxing is clear: "Expect the best from me, because I have worked to bring joy to all the people who follow me and provide support. Paris will be a great Olympics for Spanish boxing, for Galician boxing. and for me. Let's go with everything."

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