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MININT retiree sweeps the streets of Havana to survive

The elderly Luis Urbano Iznaga Morales, 83 years old and retired from the MININT, faces his old age by cleaning streets in Havana to survive.

Luis Urbano Iznaga limpia patios, parques y calles de La Habana. © Collage captura Youtube / Cartas Desde Cuba y Facebook / Johanna Jolá Alvarez
Luis Urbano Iznaga cleans patios, parks and streets of Havana. Photo © Collage captures Youtube / Letters from Cuba and Facebook / Johanna Jolá Alvarez

At 83 years old,Luis Urbano Iznaga Morales, a retiree fromMinistry of Interior (MININT), previously dedicated to personal security, is forced to sweep the streets of the Casino Deportivo neighborhood, in the Havana municipality of Cerro, in order to survive.

Johanna Jolá Álvarez shared on her wall inFacebook the story “of the industrious grandfather who with love and careTake care of the gardens, parks and clean the streets, of the Casino Deportivo Department,to be able to support himself in his old age”.

Facebook screenshot / Johanna Jolá Álvarez

The current panorama in Cuba, in the midst of a worsening of theeconomic crisis, forces many elderly peoplehave to work again after retiring, as the only way of subsistence.

According to Álvarez, this older man “He has dedicated his entire life's work to seeing a better country”, noting that “deserves everyone's recognition”.

On the social network he also suggested that the regime owed a lot to this man "by not being able to guarantee our older adults the old age they need and deserve”.

Finally, he invited people not to be insensitive to the situation of the elderly, who in his own words “every day strives to keep the neighborhood clean despite the hardships,” pointing out the shortage that the country where he is experiencing todaygarbage accumulates and the government excuses itself with the lack of resources, allowing indifference and negligence to gain ground.

At the moment,Some elderly Cubans draw attention on the streets of Havana while they go through the garbage and they collect raw materials, to raise a little money that allows them to make ends meet.

The regime on the island devised an initiative known as "I recycle my neighborhood" to which many elderly people have joined, who have turned recycling, more than into an ecological activity,in a daily fight for survival in the country's capital.

The fate of Ulises Pérez Cuevas, a Cuban retired from theState Security, it has been different.

The man denounced the precariousness in which he lives despite having dedicated his best years to defending the so-called revolutionary process.

In a video shared byCuban Observatory of Human Rights On his Twitter account, the old man reported that at the age of 14 he joined the clandestinity, and that in 1959 he was sent to Havana, where he became a Security agent.

"But II'm starving, because 1,500 pesos is not enough to eat, everything is very expensive"he stressed.

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