Seidy La Niña: "People want to see you good... but not better than them"

His fans love his a cappella downloads from his car.

With a new video where he is seen singing a cappella from a car, Seidy The Girl It provoked praise and applause from its most unconditional followers on social networks.

"People want to see you good... but not better than them," he wrote when sharing one of his usual 'improvisations' that, if it follows the path of the previous ones, could end up being a new song for his repertoire.

"What happens is that no one likes to see a smile on another's mouth, ashé"; "You know how much we admire you, you don't go around talking or hitting on anyone, you are immersed in your own thing, in yourself, in a town of followers and you earn that respect on your own, blessings"; "I love your publications and songs, I love ashé"; "You are special, my simple countrywoman, no one speaks, Amen"; "This chick is a real crack, yes sir"; "Beautiful my love, God bless you, I love your husky voice, I am your admirer and follower"; "That looked spectacular on you"; "I like it that way, natural, simple"; "You are the best ashé that eleguá always fills you with iré," they told her.

After that, he shared several images of his weekend plan by the sea.

"Sometimes you just need yourself..." wrote the artist next to the snapshots, who in recent days was in the eye of controversy after her presentation in Naples was canceled, shortly after her new song had seen the light of day, " La Temba", starring his mother.

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