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Yomil assures that he is not wanted in some bars in Cuba: "Things that happen here"

"I know why they don't want me. They are things of commitment, that they don't want, it seems, to see me in that place. That's why I'm also a little limited."

The Cuban singerYomil Hidalgo He revealed that he cannot appear in Cuban bars because of "things that happen," alluding to the censorship he suffers due to his political position.

Questioned about this by theinfluencer Cuban Sam Hernández, Yomil avoided giving a response, but he did make it clear that due to his criticism of the government, the bar owners - many of them people close to the regime - do not hire him to perform.

"In some bars they don't want me. I know it's because of things that happen here. They are things of commitment, that they don't want, it seems, to see me in that place. That's why I'm also a little limited," he said.

The reggaeton player pointed out that many event organizers do not call him, but that he knows what happens and does not blame them.

"On the contrary, I get along with all of them, when I have to go to one of their bars I go and we have a great time, and it's the same size, because I know the commitments behind that, that's why I don't... "I respect that," he said.

In this interview, theurban genre singer told how he won back theinfluencer Daniela Reyes last March, after more than a year apart.

As he explained, at first he kept in touch with Daniela after the breakup, especially to see what she did with the belongings that she had left at her house.

Some time later, he took advantage of an unexpected trip that the young woman made to Havana to see her, something that helped them reconnect and resume their relationship.

On other occasions Yomil has denounced the censorship he suffers for his criticism of the dictatorship.

In September 2022, he assured that he would not leave Cuba even though the situation for being allowed to sing was unbearable.

"I will have to continue fighting for my ideas to see if in the future injustices and audacity end and I can work calmly in my country. (...) I repeat so that it can be heard loud and strong,No matter how many obstacles and censorship, I am not going to leave my country.", wrote.

The previous year, he reported thatHe had been censored on the Island for almost six years.

In a text on his networks, the reggaeton player attacked the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT) for the professional obstacles he has had to deal with within since the beginning of his artistic career.

"Do you think that I need your platforms to grow? What ignorance is theirs hehe, in any case you are the ones who need mine, which is much harder and with more reach than all your media combined," he added.

In June 2021,He called the system prevailing in Cuba a dictatorship and described the Police as repressive..

"Of course in Cuba there is a dictatorship and a repressive police with a people who live day to day, trying to survive, experiencing a lot of need and misery. I have made that clear many times (note) from here," he indicated.

Days after,during the massive protests of 11J, he was one of the people who demonstrated In the Habana. He was arrested and later released.

After his participation in the demonstrations, he received attacks and threats from the ruling party, in particular, due to his topic.I am from Cuba.

"YeahThe threats began on the networks, if something happens to me you already know. I have a town as a witness," the singer wrote in the first of several publications after the premiere of the song.

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