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"A copy of me" by Charly & Johayron exceeds 8 million on YouTube: "It's not about making songs, it's about making anthems"

The topic came to light a little over four months ago.

Charly & Johayron (Imagen de referencia) © Instagram / Charly & Johayron
Charly & Johayron (Reference image) Photo © Instagram / Charly & Johayron

After his concert in Montreal,Charly & Johayron They went through social networks to celebrate that their song "A copy of me" had already surpassed 8 million views on YouTube.

"Eight melons," they wrote about capturing the video clip on the platform, where it landed just over 4 months ago.

Instagram stories / Charly & Johayron

"It's not making songs, it's making hymns," they added in the image shared a few hours ago through thestories of your account.

After that they celebrated that "Copiloto" had more than 5.8 million just over two months after its premiere.

Instagram stories / Charly & Johayron

But not only are their new songs well received, but also the previews of what they are about to release.

And that, precisely, they had boasted before, by showing that the fragment of"They call her Mommy", with which they surprised on April 15, had already exceeded 800 thousand reproductions and 60 thousandlikes.

Instagram stories / Charly & Johayron

In comments, almost 1,800 currently, his fans praise how the song sounded and predict a new hit for his particular repertoire.

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