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Images of the indoctrination of children under the Cuban communist regime

From the slogan chanted in schools to the mural with the anniversaries, the education of minors in Cuba is aimed at forming “revolutionaries” grateful to historical leaders and loyal to their “continuity.”

Niños camgüeyanos "saludan" el Primero de Mayo © Facebook / Periódico Juventud Rebelde
Camgueyan children "salute" May Day Photo © Facebook / Juventud Rebelde Newspaper

Heindoctrination of children and young people in Cuba is a pillar of the communist and totalitarian Cuban regimefor more than 60 years, a policy that seeks to instill the rhetoric and version of history in the minds of those who are expected to be the “quarry” of future “cadres” and “true revolutionaries.”

From the slogan chanted in Cuban schools (“Pioneers for communism: We will be like Ché!”) to the mural with the anniversaries, the education of minors in Cuba is aimed at forming “revolutionaries” grateful to the leaders historical and loyal to its “continuity”.

Hence the school year in Cubais full of moments in which students are mobilized for propaganda events in which they intend to forge their “revolutionary consciences”, whether from May Day to giving flowers to Camilo.

The visit of a government delegation, the headquarters of July 26 in a province, the landing of the Granma, such a battle, that proclamation, that attack, the triumph of all triumphs... the milestones of "revolutionary" historiography are as or more important in the training of children and young people than mathematics.

Screenshot Facebook / Municipal Assembly Popular Power Matanzas

That is why this April 29, the children who attend class at the Mártires del Goicuria School Center once again remembered the assault on the old Domingo Goicuría barracks, headquarters of the Plácido Regiment of the Cuban Army, which a group tried to take by force. of 56 rebels under the leadership ofReynold García García on April 29, 1956.

The most recent of these little theaters was echoed by the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power in Matanzas, which shared a post in itssocial networks with photographs of the “revolutionary act” in which children are seen representing the assault, dressed in olive green military uniforms and carrying Cuban flags.

The imagination of the propagandists - beings with less enlightenment than a pirate ship - reached the point of representing the casualties suffered by the rebels in the assault, in such a way that up to 15 pioneers were left lying on the pavement of the old barracks.

The dramatic vision of the ideological departments of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) is less than zero, or the emergence in human beings of their ability to express emotions. But more worrying than their artistic mediocrity is the underlying stupidity that makes them believe in the effectiveness of such staging.

For example, a button: the official mediaRebel Youth using theirsocial networks to celebrate that traditional and “original” Camagüey initiative of taking children out of the classrooms to celebrate in advance a “pioneer parade in greeting to May Day, the only one of its kind in Cuba.” EITHERWorkers, applauding a "unique initiative of its kind."

Screenshot Facebook / Juventud Rebelde Newspaper

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Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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