Bleeding of young communists: Tens of thousands emigrated to “create their happiness” outside Cuba

The Young Communist League has lost more than 200,000 members in the last 17 years, almost 32% of its members.

Consigna del XII Congreso de la UJC © Adelante / Alejandro Rodríguez Rodríguez
Slogan of the XII Congress of the UJC Photo © Forward / Alexander Rodriguez Rodriguez

The Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC) has experienced a loss of members in the last 17 years, as revealed in an article published by theCuban independent press, which pointed out emigration as one of the main causes of this decline.

If in 2007, the members of the UJC amounted to 609,000 young Cubans, in the XII Congress concluded on April 4 it was reported that the current membership of the organization is barely 415,000 members.

That is, in the last 17 years, the “quarry” of theCommunist Party of Cuba (PCC) has suffered a hemorrhage that has causedthe loss of almost 32% of the members of the UJC, an eloquent indicator of the disaffection among young people with the prevailing ideology of the so-called “revolution” and the exhausted political project of its “continuity.”

This was revealed in an article published inThe touch that compared membership in 2007, when theCuban official press announced “the highest number of militants in the history of the UJC”, and the current data offered at its last Congress, convened under the impenetrable slogan of“create your happiness”.

From an early age, Cubans born after 1959 felt and feel the pressure exerted by thepropaganda and theindoctrination of the Cuban regime, determined to build the “new man” and standardize society under the ideological mold of communism. However, the attraction of belonging to the UJC has only caught on with a few fans and a lot of opportunists.

Under the leadership of the “continuity” of the government ofMiguel Diaz-Canel, also first secretary of the PCC, the supposed enchantment of belonging to the communist youth organization has been even more discredited.

The contrast between the communist discourse and a decadent reality that deepens social inequality, misery and reveals the lack of direction and project of “leaders” ostensibly incapable and disconnected from the needs of the population, has given the final blow to the always questioned the convening power of the UJC.

The worsening crisis in Cuba In the last five years he has done nothing more than manifest what was visible to everyone, that the “king was naked” and that the organization that brought together the “youth vanguard” of the “revolution” was nothing more than a shabby brotherhood of hypocrites and pancistas.

The repression unleashed afterthe historic protests of 11J, which brought hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters to the streets of towns and cities, confirmed to young Cubans the violent and unjust nature of the totalitarian regime, and revealed the will of its leadership not to allow and punish all forms of dissent. that threatened his permanence in power, as has been evident since then with otherprotests that occurred in Cuba.

Other reasons for disaffection reported by the aforementioned media would be the disengagement from work and study of some 800,000 young people, the increase in teenage pregnancy, the lack of hope and degradation that push thousands of young people to consume alcohol and drugs, and the economic deficiencies.

With such views, the vast majority of young people are capable of concluding that it is impossible to “create your happiness” under a regime that only deepens this material and values crisis. Hence, tens of thousands of them have joined the ranks of the exodus experienced withthe migration crisis of recent years.

Made up mostly of young people, this exodus has also meant a drain on the entire society and has been reflected in the decrease of professionals in medicine and even journalism (under strict control and manipulation of the ruling party), as well as in the workforce in industry and agriculture.

Of the hundreds of thousands of young Cubans (the regime has not yet published figures, censuses or reliable statistics) who have gone into exile in the last five years, many of them were active in the UJC, an anachronistic organization that citizens perceive as tied to the interests of the dominant caste and plagued by mediocre careerists.

The reaction of the regime

"Do you believe that among these 62 young people there is no one who has the qualities to belong to the Union of Young Communists? There has been a lack of work from the Youth of the municipality and the Party,especially from the Party"Díaz-Canel admonished in mid-February during a visit to a construction company on the Isle of Youth.

In the midst of this drastic decrease in militancy, the Cuban regime asked young peoplestay in the country to build "collective happiness", and approved that foreigners "identified with the principles of the revolution" can enter the ranks of the UJC.

Speaking at the XII Congress, the head of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee,Rogelio Polanco Fuentes, asked the youth on the island "to continue defending and do what patriotic Cubans should do, to be increasingly more Martian, Fidelist, more Marxist."

Recognizing the serious national crisis that pushed more than half a million people to leave the island in the last two years, the official even asked the new generations to "change the sense of happiness" for one that is viable within the country in crisis. .

"May our sense of happiness be different from the sense of happiness that they want to impose on us, which is not that of accumulating material things; but that the sense of happiness be this, that of seeking collective happiness in our spirituality, in our solidarity, in socialize our lives here, in the conditions of a nation that wants justice for all," Polanco stressed.

To lead this new phase of "communist happiness", the regime decided to replace the organization's secretary,Aylin Alvarez Santana, by the young woman who served as vice president of the UJC.

Law graduate and with 32 years under her belt,Meyvis Estevez Echevarría, will be responsible for leading this oxymoron of a decadent regime that seeks to promote a fierce communist-style individualism, without rationed food and an abundance ofMSMEs, and to this end it proclaims the need and moral imperative to "cultivate your little piece" or "create your happiness."

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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