Young man offers 50 thousand pesos reward for his lost dog in Havana

The young Yoel Abraham González, who resides in the municipality of Guanabacoa, in Havana, offers a 50,000 pesos reward for his lost dog.

Perro perdido en Guanabacoa, en La Habana. © Collage Facebook / Yoel Abraham González
Dog lost in Guanabacoa, in Havana. Photo © Collage Facebook / Yoel Abraham González

A Cuban is desperate to find his dog lost and this Tuesday he offered a reward of 50,000 pesos to anyone who delivers it or provides information about its whereabouts.

The young man Yoel Abraham González, who resides in Havana, published in Facebook his phone number 52012442 promising that he will give “a reward of 50,000 pesos to anyone who calls me or tells me where he is, I will give it to him in his hand”.

According to its publication, the dog resides on 6th Street of the D'Beche-Nalón popular council, in the municipality of Guanabacoa.

Facebook screenshot / Yoel Abraham González

If anyone sees it, hears a dog barking where there has never been a dog, it could be mine", suggested the young man who pointed out that since Monday he has been looking for the animal, even in the early morning.

In recent months, requests have skyrocketed on social networks that begging for help to recover lost or stolen pets.

A young Cuban woman asked for urgent help through social networks and offered a financial reward to find the whereabouts of his puppy, a beagle called "Mustang".

He pointed out that he escaped from his house in the Marianao municipality, in Havana, heading to 100th Street..

Recently Another Cuban asked for help and offered a 20 thousand pesos reward to find his cat, lost in the La Víbora area, in Havana.

Doctor Yasiel Quiñones reported on Facebook that it is his cat named Pulgui, 3 years old and white with orange spots.

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