Biden Administration says that the Cuban regime has the opportunity to change

Brian Nichols, the State Department's deputy assistant secretary for hemispheric affairs, said his government continues to insist that Cuba release political prisoners and respect human rights.

The Biden administration says that the Cuban regime has the opportunity to change, although it does not see any fracture in the Castro leadership, according to Brian Nichols, deputy assistant secretary for hemispheric affairs at the United States Department of State.

"I have no reason to doubt that the leadership of the Cuban government remains as united as before. Instead of speculating, after 60 years, it is better to focus on the actions of the government; they have the opportunity to change direction," he stated. .

At a press conference on Tuesday in Miami, Nichols listed some changes that would be favorable for the Cuban people and very well viewed by the international community.

"They can implement policies that allow more democracy, more freedom of expression. Release the political prisoners they have, allow peaceful expression and differences with the government. Allow broader private economic activities," he explained.

The senior official said that his government continues to work for Cuba to release political prisoners and respect human rights, an issue they discuss in both public and private conversations.

"We are always insisting on the importance of respect for human rights, of people, especially the most vulnerable, such as minors or imprisoned women," he said.

This same week, Nichols described as "outrageous" the regime's harsh sentences against participants in the protests of Nuevitas in 2022, and called the government's repression "inconceivable."

Before journalists, the Undersecretary of State referred to the inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries that support terrorism and assured that this issue is not under discussion.

"It is not a token to negotiate. It is a legal process in our system, it is a legal process of analysis within various government departments that finally reaches the Secretary of State for his decision," he clarified.

Likewise, he commented on the implications that the announcement of a new Caracas-Havana-Managua flight by the Venezuelan state airline Conviasa may have on the increase in irregular emigration to the United States.

"Our focus is to prevent irregular migration and sanction private companies or organizations that take advantage of migrants for their business," he warned.

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