Bruno Rodríguez insists: US "blockade" prevents the import of medicines and medical equipment

“The United States routinely authorizes the export of humanitarian goods, agricultural products, medicines and medical equipment to support the Cuban people,” Undersecretary Brian A. Nichols stated in 2020, in statements supported by data from the State Department.

The chancellorBruno Rodriguez Grill insisted on blaming the US “blockade” forshortage of medicines and lack of supplies for public health in Cuba, describing the United States Government's statements to the contrary as cynical.

“Despite the mendacious approach of many US government spokespeople, medicines suffer the same prohibitions imposed by the blockade on the rest of the merchandise. There is no exception or possibility for Cuba to import medicines and products, or medical equipment from the United States,” Rodríguez Parrilla said this Tuesday at the University of Havana (UH).

The head of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that “what there is is an executive prerogative to grant licenses, general or specific,” but that “if the US government really wanted to reduce the brutal and cruel humanitarian damage caused to the Cuban people, would sign a license now.”

According to Rodríguez Parrilla,President Biden's administration “It does not do it due to lack of political will”. The Cuban Foreign Minister thus justifiedcritical drug shortage andthe brutal drop in the quality of the country's public healthcare, a situation that costs lives and causes tragedies within many families, as seen on Cuban social networks.

The Cuban regime insists on its disinformation campaign, despite data and repeated statements by US government officials that demonstrate thatCuba can and has imported medicines and medical equipment from the United States.

Rodríguez Parrilla's statements were made in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana, presumably before rectors of Spanish universities and within the events planned as part "of the resumption of bilateral Cuba-Spain cooperation, specifically in the academic and scientist”, according to thesocial networks from UH.

In April 2020, as the world focused its efforts and cooperation to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs,Brian A. Nichols, I affirm that "The United States routinely authorizes the export of humanitarian goods, agricultural products, medicines and medical equipment to support the Cuban people”.

“As the world unites in the fight against #COVID19, some seek to divide international efforts through disinformation campaigns without source or attribution. Castro's henchmen, his apologists and spokespersons, should know better,” Nichols said.

Referring to proven facts, the State Department official indicated that “in 2019, the US exported millions of dollars of US medical products to Cuba.”

His statements responded to the Cuban regime's campaign blaming Washington for slowing down - or even impeding - the ability to respond to the coronavirus on the Island.

For her part, the chargé d'affaires of the United States Embassy in Havana,Mara Tekach, insisted on describing the statements of the Cuban regime as “dangerous disinformation,” and asked the Cuban authorities for rigor and honesty in their words.

This Tuesday, Rodríguez Parrilla demonstrated that the Cuban regime persists in its disinformation campaign in relation to the US embargo, desperately betting on international pressure to lift the “blockade”, perhaps the only winning card that the leadership has left to maintain itself. standing.

“It was demonstrated at the height of Covid-19,during breakdown in the production of medicinal oxygen in Cuba"said the chancellor, insisting on his thesis that the US "criminal blockade" prevents and prevented the import of medicines and medical supplies.

“Attempts to import it from the US were sterile, as a specific license was needed, which requires the approval of at least 5 US federal agencies,” he said before the audience gathered at the University of Havana, a hill where Cuban leaders They usually go through the hills of Úbeda.

The Cuban regime insists on blaming the United States for its mismanagement and the disaster of the country's public services, when at the beginning of the pandemiche was more concerned with promoting Cuba as a safe tourist destination, whilehid the breakage of its main medicinal oxygen plant.

"Thousands of dead later,because you diverted the little money from the country to build hotels and buy cars without tourists the entire year 2020 and part of 2021. Criminal resignation," a Cuban told the ruler on social media at the time.Miguel Diaz-Canel.

When, according to official figures, more than 5,000 Cubans had died from the coronavirus on the island, many of them due to lack of medicinal oxygen, the Cuban official press celebrated the commissioning of the compressor of the oxygen plant in Camagüey,after 17 years without working.

The Cuban government had more than three decades to repair a compressor and produce medicinal oxygen in Camagüey, something it could have resolved without going to the government or American companies, but it did not. The regime cares more about its political agenda and its permanence in power than about the reality and lives of Cubans.

This Tuesday, before Spanish and Cuban academics, the chancellor of the dictatorship did not hesitate to repeat once again hisleitmotifof the "blockade", ignoring Cicero's phrase engraved in marble behind him, on the venerable walls of the Aula Magna of the University of Havana.

"It is for every man to err, for none but a fool to persevere in error", that is to say"Anyone can make a mistake, but only a fool perseveres in his fault.".

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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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Iván León

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.