They denounce poor police action in the case of a Cuban woman who has been missing since December

Cubans demand that the authorities intensify the search for Karildi Marín.

Karildi Marín © Facebook/Karildi Marin
Karildi Marín Photo © Facebook/Karildi Marin

Cuban Internet users denounced the inefficiency of the police in the case of the 24-year-old girl Karildi Marín, missing in Havana since last December 14.

Although until now the complaints and demands for better investigation came from the woman's family, this time several posts on Facebook show the discomfort that this case has generated in a large part of the population.

"Know that the case of Karildi Marin Lobaina has not yet been resolved. She has been missing since December 14, 2023 and the authorities do not say anything, they do not have answers even though she has been given all kinds of information and they know it, they do not have "Nothing to say. What is happening with the authorities of this country?" questioned the Cuban woman identified in like Ode Iglesias.

Outraged, she asked, "Why doesn't Karildi appear? With so many details they know, and the place where the whole investigation began, how come they don't have answers?"

Publication in

He speculates whether perhaps the police would not like the young woman to appear. "Is there any interest in keeping this case like this, like a missing woman? I don't know, I ask myself every now and then... I'm not going to stop uploading these photos and I'm not going to stop wondering where KARILDI MARIN is...??? It is impossible that there is not a single clue from you, and the worst of all this is that there must be more cases like this," he stressed.

Several Internet users also reacted to the publication.

"What do the people she went out with that night say? They must have seen something, like going out with someone and leaving her alone or getting lost, how could that be? Where is humanity left that makes people think that the earth swallowed her? No one saw , nobody knows, it disappeared and everyone was silent," said a woman.

"This case is too sad, noooo it can be possible! It's been 5 months and there is no answer! What kind of great pain for that family," said another.

"When there is good investigative work, they immediately find everything because those who went out with her that day, the friends, the relationships she had, that is not so difficult," commented a third Internet user.

Marín's brother, who has remained active denouncing the police inefficiency in the search for his sister said on April 17 that "those who have to ensure citizen tranquility are not doing their job correctly."

"This time I want to draw the attention of the authorities, why there are a couple of questions that I cannot answer, why a young woman who left on December 14, 2023 has not appeared, there are no signs of her, why if Clues have already been provided, yet no suspect appears? the young man asked.

He said that he is "pained and very dissatisfied" with the results of the investigation, which still does not provide information about Marín's whereabouts.

On the day of her disappearance, the young woman went to a party in El Cerro that, according to several people, was canceled but she did not know in time because she did not have a cell phone.

She did not return home and since then her family has exhausted all means to find her. Marín is the mother of a little girl.

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