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Trial is held against the alleged murderer of young Cuban Yeniset Rojas in Villa Clara

The woman was missing for 10 months.

Yeniset Rojas and her daughter Photo © Facebook / Yeniset Rojas

The trial against the alleged perpetrator of the kidnapping and murder of the young Cuban motherYeniset Rojas Pérez, who disappeared in March 2022 in Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, ended this Friday in that province and the sentence will be handed down in three weeks, the court reported.

The independent portalCubanet reported that "today the trial was held against the murderer of Yeniset, for whom his family kept searching, tirelessly, for 10 months until they found his body."

The media explains that the sentence against the alleged feminicide will be handed down in 20 days.

Remember, also, thatthe aggressor had a history of violence and assaults against women.

Publication inFacebook

"Yeniset disappeared in broad daylight when she was returning from work. She lived with her young daughter and her mother," the source recalled.

The 33-year-old young woman and mother of a girl disappeared on March 19, 2022 and her case shocked thousands of Cubans who remained pending the search for the woman, who was last seen at 11:00 am. that day in Ranchuelo, where he lived, after leaving his workplace heading home.

The family tried to locate her that day but her cell phone lost connection the next morning.

On January 19, 2023, the Police arrested aindividual suspected of the disappearance of Rojas Pérez. At that time the woman's body had not yet been found.

The Cuban feminist magazineTense Wings confirmed on Instagram "that an alleged aggressor is under police investigation for his disappearance, who has a history of violence and assaults against women."

A week later, at the end of January, a family member confirmed toCyberCuba thedeath of the young Cuban mother.

No details were offered about the tragedy, but judging by the publications on networks it was a femicide and both the family and friends of the victim expect the maximum sentence for the criminal.

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