The emotional reflection of the Cuban singer Alfredo Rodríguez on his origins

"I want to continue having the name of the street where I grew up tattooed on me forever," confessed the Cuban artist in a moving text

Alfredito Rodríguez (i) y Exterior de la cuartería en la que vivió el cantante en Cuba (d) © Collage Facebook/Alfredo Rodríguez
Alfredito Rodríguez (i) and Exterior of the quarters where the singer lived in Cuba (d) Photo © Collage Facebook/Alfredo Rodríguez

The Cuban singer Alfredito Rodríguez He published an emotional reflection on his social networks in which he was proud of his humble origins, which did not prevent him from dreaming and doing big.

“They send me this image of the citadel where they raised me. For me it has meant a 'trechonazo' of nostalgia, a fluttering to the past," the artist began by saying in an emotional post on Facebook that he accompanied with a photo of the balcony of the quarters where he grew up in Cuba.

“I was born in Maternidad Obrera. My father was a day laborer, workers do not store material wealth, which is why I saw the light for the first time in that motherhood. Just a few days later they took me to live in that very humble cuartería, or tenement house. I lived there until a little more than the period of my puberty,” said the singer.

Alfredito says that on the little balcony seen to the right of the image he dreamed “the best dreams” and everything he longed to conquer.

“Without a doubt I was one of the poorest kids on my block. It is true that I saw the cobwebs growing in my family's pockets, but my humble parents offered me all the gold in the world, translated into decency and decorum. It is true that it was a high plot, but in the same way it was for me a castle of principles, the closest to heaven, that heaven that in reality only touches it, not precisely those who have the most material goods, but those who have the most spiritual funds. they treasure,” he asserted.

"One day I flew from the nest and on my wings I carried my aspirations, and along with them, my two examples of life, the parent birds who gave me a lair, who breastfed me, loved me, and cared for me, because whoever loses memory, cannot He shares his fortune, and does not thank, perhaps he thinks he is alive, but he is more inert than a rock. I dreamed so much, so much, so much... I got so used to dreaming, that I still do exactly as I did when I was young, whether I was awake or not. asleep, I continue chasing chimeras, and dreaming, and dreaming, and dreaming, and more and more," he added.

“I want to continue having the name of the street where I grew up tattooed on me forever, because LOYALTY is synonymous with fidelity, honor and respect”, concluded the artist.

It is not the first time in the last that Alfredito Rodríguez expresses devotion to his origins.

In January of last year, the singer showed himself in another text published on networks proud to have instilled in his children the love for his country of origin, and he said it after sharing a video of his son, the talented pianist Alfredo Rodríguez Jr., playing the song "Hermosa Habana", popularized by Los Zafiros.

“I breastfed my children with a taste of the country, and I believe I have weaned them from all signs of surrender to dictatorial positions, lacking free expression and cutting off their wings. To paraphrase Martí, 'truth and tenderness were not useless'. Thank you son, for loving Cuba,” he said then.

A couple of months later, in March 2023, he once again demonstrated his eternal love for Cuba in another emotional message in which He assured that political system and nation are very different things and that, although he never physically returned to the island during his lifetime, in reality he never left the country, because one never leaves what one loves so much.

Nevertheless, The singer - who has lived in Miami since 2012 - took the opportunity to thank the United States for hosting him.

Born in Havana in 1951, Alfredito Rodríguez was in charge of hosting and directing popular musical and interview programs on television while he lived in Cuba. At the same time, he had a dizzying rise to popularity, performing his own musical songs, which quickly became hits such as "Sagittarius"; "Good person", "I'm getting gray hair", "The woman of my life", "Oh, I'm infatuated", among others.

The singer left Cuba first for Mexico, where he continued his work until 12 years ago when he settled permanently in Miami, where he has worked on several local media programs and has a club in a restaurant.

In addition to the love of the public, the artist is proud that on November 10, 2019, the mayor of Miami, Francis Suárez, declared Alfredo Rodríguez Day in that city.

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