Opponent Ángel Moya denounces "cruel treatment" inflicted by State Security

As has happened every Sunday since the historic 11J protests, Moya and Berta Soler were detained again by agents who repressed their peaceful demonstration in favor of the release of political prisoners.

The opponent Angel Moya Acosta, one of the political prisoners of the Black Spring and a prominent human rights activist in Cuba, denounced the “cruel treatment” suffered at the hands of the State Security repressors who prevented him once again from demonstrating on Sunday in favor of the liberation of prisoners of conscience from the totalitarian regime.

The reported events occurred this Sunday, May 5, when the opponent and his wife, the leader of the Ladies in White, Berta de los Ángeles Soler Fernández, left their home and headquarters of the organization to demonstrate peacefully demanding freedom for political prisoners in the street.

As has happened every Sunday since the historic 11J protests in Cuba, the opposition couple was detained again by State Security agents who repeated the pathetic scene of covering with a propaganda poster the camera that records their gesture of protest from inside the house.

Screenshot Facebook / Ángel Moya Acosta

In a publication of his social networks, Moya Acosta shared a photo of the State Security agent who led the operation to arrest them and who gave the orders for the repressors to inflict torture methods on him during his arrest.

“This one in the photo is the State Security henchman who ordered the police of the U/P of Guanabacoa-Havana to cruelly treat me. They threw me to the floor and placed metal handcuffs on me tightly with my arms behind my back,” said the activist.

According to his story, at the same time this was happening, “a henchman put his knee on my spine, and another bent my right leg and gently twisted my ankle from top to bottom and from right to left to cause me pain.” .

In addition to this, “the jailers denied me the mattress, as they said, because I was punished.”

Screenshot Facebook / Ángel Moya Acosta

In other publication, Moya Acosta assured that the repressive action caused lacerations and inflammation in one of her wrists, and showed photos as proof of this. However, once at the Aguilera police station, a doctor who wanted to treat him refused to give him a “copy of the medical checkup report,” so the opponent rejected her services.

In an extensive video where the opposition couple explained the repression suffered this Sunday, Moya Acosta recalled the threats that weigh on them and that State Security has made to them in previous arrests, which include everything from beatings to greater dangers to their physical integrity.

However, despite being recurring victims of the “state terrorism” practiced by the Cuban regime, Soler Fernández and Moya Acosta reaffirmed their will to continue demanding the freedom of political prisoners.

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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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