Regime leaves independent journalists in Cuba without internet

Independent journalists in Cuba suffer internet outages before May Day, in an attempt to silence them during key events organized by the regime.

Cubana mira el móvil (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Cuban looks at her cell phone (reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

On the eve of the parade First of May, organized by the Havana regime, a systematic cut of internet service to independent Cuban journalists has been reported.

Since the afternoon of April 30, at least five reporters from Cubanet, including Osniel Carmona Breijo, Anay Remón, Vladimir Turró, Enrique Díaz and Alejandro Hernández Cepero, have confirmed the partial or total suspension of their internet connection.

These cuts are not a new phenomenon. The regime whenever it organizes a mass event or when significant dates are approaching, interrupts the service of independent journalists, harasses them in their homes and even detains them in police units so that they cannot report what is happening in Cuba.

Facebook Yoani Sánchez

Journalists from 14 September They were also without internet this May Day. Yoani Sánchez and her husband, Reinaldo Escobar, denounced the seriousness of the situation.

Sánchez reported: “Up there someone has decided that we cannot inform and report on this May 1.” In addition, he criticized the regime's censorship and digital repression.

In addition to the internet outages, four community media directors from the Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP) were placed under house arrest until May 2 by State Security officials, attempting to silence any critical coverage of the Day. Workers' International.

Facebook Anti-totalitarian Cuba

In the city of Santa Clara, opponent Coco Fariñas was intercepted when leaving his home in El Condado on April 30. The General Coordinator of the United Antitotalitarian Forum (FANTU) was once again the victim of a repressive operation so that he would not give statements to the press on these dates.

These actions of the Cuban regime highlight the continued repression against the independent press, but they are also an example of the actions of resistance and the fight for freedom of expression on the island.

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