Anuel AA publishes new video playing with his daughter Cattleya and Yailin reacts with a strong hint

Yailin throws a strong hint at Anuel AA after video playing with his daughter Cattleya

Anuel AA couldn't be happier after being able to be with his daughter Cattleya in the Dominican Republic A few weeks ago. A reunion with the one-year-old baby that seemed to have smoothed out some rough spots between the reggaeton singer and Yailin La Más Viral. However, it seems that their differences have not been so left aside judging from the writing that the Dominican shared on her social networks.

After the ragpicker posted an adorable video playing with the girl, she uploaded a text that read: “A boy asked his dad: “Dad, what is a man?” The father responded: “A man is a person who is responsible for caring for, protecting and maintaining his family and his home, and is always aware of everything.” The boy said to him: “Do you know something? “Someday I will want to be a man like my mother.”

A hint to the father of his daughter that has not gone unnoticed, especially because in a recent interview the ragpicker implied that his problems had taken a backseat to the girl's well-being.

Even Anuel AA assured that he and Yailin are processing the paperwork so that Cattleya can travel from the Dominican Republic to the United States. A moment that he looks forward to impatiently to be able to reunite his three children.

Another viral reaction to the images of Anuel AA with Cattleya was that of Arcángel. Both artists have not stopped throwing each other since the end of last year when their conflict exploded. Now, in response to the reggaeton singer's videos, La Maravilla said in a text:

"There are things that are worth more than hitting on the people who crushed you legally. Like, for example, meeting your daughter. Don't you see her? She's mad at you! She doesn't know who her dad is!"Arcángel said about Cattleya, who lives with her mother Yailin and her partner, rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine.

Arcangel tira a Anuel
Capture Instagram

"In the end it feels good to have one of the closest ones paying more attention to me than to his own daughter", he added. "Wake up son, dedicate time to what is truly valuable, which is not me. Look at that girl, she is looking for her dad and she doesn't see him."

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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