Humanitarian parole: Cases of Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans and Haitians arriving in the US legally increase

As of mid-April 2024, more than 400,000 migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Haiti have entered the United States on humanitarian parole, while the country reinforces its measures against irregular migration.

Cubanos llegan con parole humanitario a EE.UU. © Captura de imagen en Youtube
Cubans arrive on humanitarian parole to the US Photo © Image capture on Youtube

US authorities confirmed that more than 435,000 migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Haiti entered the United States through the immigration program. humanitarian parole until April 2024.

These figures, provided by officials of the Joe Biden administration, highlight the government's focus on security and legality in immigration processes.

The data was released in a conference call with journalists, where officials noted that the administration has also implemented stricter measures against irregular migration, especially on the border with Mexico.

The CBP One app, launched by the Department of Homeland Security in January 2023, has made it easier for nearly 547,000 migrants to schedule appointments to appear at US ports of entry and legally request asylum. This digital tool is a clear attempt to deter irregular border crossings.

Since the termination of Title 42 in May 2023, US immigration authorities. They have repatriated more than 690,000 people to more than 170 countries. "This includes more than 105,000 individuals in family units, most detained for attempts to cross the border irregularly," officials said.

US authorities also note a notable reduction in encounters with migrants at the border during the beginning of this year. In March, 137,480 arrests for irregular crossings were reported, representing a decrease of 2.3% compared to February.

Officials anticipated the results ahead of a regional conference on migration that was held in Guatemala, with the participation of Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

"Resolving the consequences of irregular migration is the responsibility of each of us. Together we can transform regular migration with small steps, strengthen our communities, as well as protect vulnerable populations," Blinken said in Guatemala this Tuesday.

This week the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that during 2023 more than one and a half million people expected receive humanitarian parole implemented by the Biden administration, to reach the United States through a legal route.

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