Video of Holguín leaders at a party leaked: "I only ask you not to record"

"Please don't upload photos to Facebook, if those who are there are the ones who should be there, and those who aren't there are missing out," said a woman at the party.

Several Cuban leaders from the Holguín province, including some linked to the food and agro-industrial industry, participated in a party whose video was leaked this Wednesday, and where you can hear a request to those present not to record or upload photos of the activity to networks. social.

The material, published by the media "La Tijera" in Carlos Manuel Céspedes, head of the Báguanos Agroindustrial Company, is an official of the Provincial Comptroller's Office identified as Ovidio by the source.

Ovid precisely gives a speech in which he states that he is "not much of an orator," and where he points out that "today here are all the people who need to be there, this group is all family," he told those present through a microphone.

This moment is transcendental for friends, transcendental for the family and especially for Alexis, (...) we are talking about a brother, my youngest brother," said one of them who asked to sing congratulations.

The birthday boy clarifies that Norge was at the party by chance: "By pure coincidence he is here," to which the official responds: "And out of pure nonsense."

A woman interrupts the moment to warn: "With everyone's permission, I want to tell you, without anyone getting angry, I am going to ask you please that, as my partner said, we who have to be here are here. So Please do not upload photos to Facebook, if those who are there are the ones who should be there and those who are not there are missing out", he claimed.

On a table you can see a drink, a cake and various jams piled up.

La Tijera denounces that "all these parties and vacilones are at the expense of blackouts, misery and shortages throughout the country."

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