Cuban murdered while waiting for his CBP One appointment in Mexico

His ex-wife, from Santiago, claims that another emigrant stabbed him and took his life

A Cuban was murdered this Thursday in Mexico, after two years waiting for the CBP One appointment to enter the United States. This is according to his ex-wife and mother of his son, a young woman from Santiago, who has shared the story on her TikTok profile.

According to her testimony, the father of her son, a resident of El Caney (Santiago de Cuba), was stabbed by another emigrant, apparently not Cuban. She cannot explain how this could have happened because she assures that her ex-husband was a calm and hard-working man, as well as a good father, "always present" and "concerned."

This Cuban, who identifies herself on TikTok as Alexia, claims that the father of her son had been in Mexico for two years. He had emigrated from Cuba, even though he lived well in Santiago and had his motorcycle. "She had all the conditions, but always looking for a better future, she decided to leave Cuba," says the young woman deeply affected by the death of her ex-husband.

She also explains that he was working in Mexico, where he was waiting for the CBP One appointment. "It turns out that this morning (this Thursday morning) a person took his life. The one who killed him, he killed him for free," he said.

Broken with pain, she lamented the emigrant's life because "it is the biggest and filthiest thing there is." Also because "sometimes death is where you least imagine it."

The news of the death of her husband (he could be called Dashi Verani Marén) has caused shock in El Caney. "You don't know the number of people who are suffering their deaths right now," the very hurt young woman responded with the comment of an Internet user who insinuated that what happened is because Cubans are always "pretending to be pretty."

The massive emigration of Cubans in recent years has left terrible stories like that of this father, from El Caney, in Santiago de Cuba. Last March, another Santiago, Yaleisy Asin Estévez, also died in Mexico, as a result of a diabetic coma, while waiting for the CBP One appointment to cross into the United States.

At the end of January, Cuban Ailén Esquijaroza Leiva, a young woman from Camagüey, from Piedrecita, in the Céspedes municipality, also died., 29 years old, who was in Mexican territory waiting to attend his immigration appointment. In that case, thanks to the solidarity of many people, his mortal remains could be repatriated to the island. He orphaned a 12-year-old girl who had stayed in Cuba.

Also in January, Jennifer Tamayo died in Mexico of natural causes., another young Cuban migrant who was advancing towards the southern border of the United States. Tamayo, a native of Gibara, in the province of Holguín, was the mother of two girls.

Last January three Cuban migrants were kidnapped in Tijuana, Mexico, when they were preparing to attend their CBP One appointment on the border with the United States, according to relatives who received a ransom request of $5,000 for each of them. They did not have the possibility of raising so much money.

This practice is much more common than it seems. Also in January a Cuban migrant was kidnapped and extorted by gangs criminals in Mexico, but she was finally able to reach the United States. She had made the journey to Mexico through Nicaragua, but in Mexican territory she was kidnapped and had to pay to be released.

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