Cuban children caught selling sweets to earn a living in Havana

Scenes of child street vendors have become frequent in Havana.

Niños vendedores en La Habana © Facebook / ICLEP
Children vendors in Havana Photo © Facebook / ICLEP

Two Cuban children were caught selling candy to earn a living in Havana, a scene that is becoming familiar in Cuba, where the regime has historically boasted of having eradicated child labor.

The Cuban Institute of Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP) published photographs of a minor selling marquesitas in Havana and another carrying several bags of what appears to be bread on his back, in the midst of a climate of increasing inflation that keeps thousands of households on the edge of poverty.

"This is the reality of many children in the "Capital of all Cubans", having to act as Street sellers to help their families, due to the extreme poverty in which they live," that organization denounced on Facebook.

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He states that "these tasks are often carried out during class hours, requiring them to miss school, which is where they should be" children.

More and more frequently, Cubans see minors who begin their working lives hastily to alleviate economic tensions at home.

Recently, images of children selling soft drinks or household items on various corners of Havana emerged.

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