Tennis player Novak Djokovic is hit by a bottle after his match against Moutet in Rome

The organizers of the Master 1000 in Rome claimed that it was an accident.

The Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic, number 1 in the world ranking, received a bottle blow to the head this Friday after his match against the Frenchman Corentin Moutet at the Master 1000 in Rome.

The incident occurred after winning the fourth round match, when he was leaving the field and signing autographs for his fans at the entrance to the tunnel under the stands.

Apparently a fan slipped the metal thermos of water and fell directly on the player's head.

Djokovic crouched down and put his hands to his head in pain. He remained like that for several seconds while security guards surrounded him and helped him leave the place.

In a video, several fans are heard asking who the culprit was.

However, to clarify the confusion that has been generated around the fact, the tournament organization released another video in which the moment of the incident is seen from another angle and assured that it was an accidental blow, when the bottle slipped from its owner's hands.

"Novak Djokovic was hit on the head by a water bottle while signing autographs for spectators as he left Center Court. He received medication before leaving the Foro Italico to return to his hotel. There is no reason to worry about his condition physically," the organizing team of the Rome Master 1000 stated in a press release.

Minutes before the incident, the six-time champion in Rome had achieved his 68th victory in this tournament by defeating Moutet and stretched his record to 18-0 in his debuts in the event.

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