"Poison to the snitch": The dilemma of justice in the hands of the viewer in the new chapter of "Tú Decides"

Felito Lahera, Tony Cortés and Judith González star in this episode of the PRONYR TV interactive series.

“You Decide”, the new PRONYR TV series, premiered its second episode this Friday night and this time it is justice that is left in the hands of the viewer.

The first interactive series on this platform, in which the public chooses the ending they want to see, opted for a very intense plot for its second installment, which is titled “Poison to the snitch”.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

The past confronts the present: A heartbreaking moral dilemma

A Cuban-American couple discovers that their son's father-in-law was a repressor in Cuba and they pose the moral dilemma of whether or not to take justice into their own hands.

This fictional story is a reflection of the anguish of many Cubans in exile who were victims of the dictatorship's repression on the island, people or their relatives who spent years in prisons being tortured by the military and State Security.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

Years, even decades later, there are testimonies of Cubans who have seen their repressors walking freely through the streets of Miami as if they did not carry the weight of their actions on their consciences.

The past returns again and again to confront the present of many whose pain prevents them from forgetting.

The faces behind each character

In “Poison to the Snitch” Judith González and Tony Cortés They give life to this Cuban-American couple. Between tears of fury and helplessness, the actress plays a woman who has to deal with the man who unjustly sent her father to prison for 20 years.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

Not because I play the negative character Rafael (Felito) Lahera he stops being convincing, and with another masterful performance full of cynicism he is capable of generating hatred and repulsion towards this repressor.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

They join the cast Gabriel Ricard and Grechel Castillo as a young couple whose present is disrupted by their parents' actions in the past.

With Erick Hernandez in the script, the general production of Orlando Fundichely and the address of Tony Salup, “Poison to the Snitch” is a chapter that undoubtedly involves the viewer in the plot.

In the hands of the audience is the choice of the ending in each episode of “Tú Decides”, you just have to download the PRONYR TV application and venture into this interactive series proposal.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment