Cuban mother dedicates triumph in US television show to her daughter: “I want to be your inspiration”

The young mother Yanilen Díaz dedicated a beautiful and emotional message to her daughter from the stage of the contest "I Have Talent, Much Talent"

Yanilen Diaz, Cuban resident in Miami, resumes her career as an artist, which had been postponed six years ago after giving birth, impressing the competition jury "I have talent, a lot of talent" in the United States, with his singing and dedicating the victory to his daughter Isabela.

The judges recognized in the young woman the impetus of a artist who returns to the stage, also highlighting the Cuban flavor evident in the dancing and singing of his presentation, which was shared on the page of Facebook of the talent show.

At the end of her presentation, the young woman addressed a profound and emotional message to her daughter for the first time from a television stage: “Isabela, I want to be your biggest inspiration when you grow up”.

Díaz said that after succeeding in Mexico as a singer and dancer, she decided to postpone her career when she discovered that she would become a mother.

However, six years later, he chose the show “Vamos Talento, Mucho Talento” to resume his foray into the world of entertainment, with the special incentive of also performing for his daughter, whom he described as “my reason to be”.

“I am happy with my family, but they know that I need this (acting) too, That's why today they support me“said the young woman before entering the stage.

On this occasion, Díaz selected the theme “I already forgot you", from the composer Marco Antonio Solis, which was impregnated with the unmistakable seal of Cuban salsa.

“For me, you are the best artist of the night,” praised the Mexican singer. Ana Barbara to the Cuban Díaz, and the latter ended up crying with emotion.

“After six years without doing this on television, I feel strange,” said the young woman, arguing that she feels deep admiration for people who “dare to participate in these programs because they are brave.”

Several Cuban artists have stepped on the stage of the program and contest “I Have Talent, Much Talent.”

The jury was recently impressed with the performance of a cuban marriage who decided to perform a circus act.

Manuel and Llenay, a married couple residing in Miami and 25 and 24 years old respectively, They left everyone speechless with their mast act.

For its part, Giraldo Morelio, a rafter who arrived in the United States leaving a daughter in Cuba, also made a pleasant impression on the judges, who decided to let him continue his path on that reality show.

The young man, a resident of Orlando, Florida, chose the song "Either I'm leaving or you're leaving" by Marco Antonio Solis for its presentation in early April, as shared by the talent show on its website. Facebook.

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