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Cubana performs at a talent show in the United States: "Never sing again in your life"

The jury unanimously ruled out the Cuban Yilian Águila from the cast of the show "I have talent, a lot of talent."

In just a few seconds of Yilian Águila's performance in the emblematic American television program "I have talent, a lot of talent",A member of the jury begged the 37-year-old to never sing again in her life..

For her presentation, the girl chose the song “Today I want you”, by the Spanish composer Miguel Gallardo,but the out of tune played a tremendous trick on her, accompanying her in her very brief interpretation.

The page inFacebook of the television show this Monday published the performance of the young Cuban.

Águila, who lives in Las Vegas, in the state of Nevada, had previously said that “As a good Caribbean woman, talent runs through my veins and my thing is to sing.”.

However, although he intended to “put the name of my Cuba high and demonstrate that 'I have talent, a lot of talent,'” the jury immediately ruled her out.

At the end of his performance, Águila said thatshe had felt confident in her performance and that she was enjoying the music.

With at least 10 years on the air, “I have talent, a lot of talent” is considered one of the longest-running and most watched programs among the Hispanic community living in the United States.

In addition, it opens its doors to different types of artists, who compete for the grand prize of $100,000, and the support of the Estrella Media television station for the development of their artistic career, according to the page onFacebook of the TV show.

The participants are selected in auditions held in different cities ofUSA.

The program is made up of a panel of four judges:Pepe Garza, music producer, composer and programmer;Don Cheto, announcer, host, singer and composer; the mexican singer-songwriterAna Barbara, among others.

On the other side of the coin, recently a Cuban teenager did impress the jury of the Spanish contestThe voice Kids.

With your hearing,Dayana Riverón caused a dispute among the artistsDavid Bisbal andMelendi, who, impressed with her talent, tried to recruit her during the show's blind auditions.

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