Mothers of political prisoners publish open letter: “No threat can silence our feelings”

“As mothers of 11J, we demand the immediate and undisputed return of our beloved children to their homes, to recover the most precious thing we have: the peace of mind of knowing they are with us. “That would be the greatest gift we can receive,” they expressed.

Preso del 11J escoltados por agentes del MININT (imagen de referencia) © Facebook / Mónica Baró
11J prisoner escorted by MININT agents (reference image) Photo © Facebook / Mónica Baró

A group of mothers Cuban political prisoners published an open letter this Sunday on Mother's Day, in which they asked for the release of their children and warned the regime authorities that they will continue to denounce the injustice that embitters their lives.

“Through this claim we make it clear that no threat or pressure can silence our feelings or dissuade us from the mission that corresponds to us as mothers. We carry as our flag our voice, the love for our children and the conviction that they are innocent", they indicated in the missive.

Facebook screenshot / Daleidys Rodríguez

Addressed “to the Cuban people and the world,” the letter from those known as “Mothers of 11J"called for the solidarity of all Cubans and the international community, and defended the innocence of the more than 1,000 peaceful protesters who were tried and imprisoned for taking to the streets of Cuba to protest against the regime and demand their rights and freedoms on September 11. July 2021.

“They are good men and women, innocent and worthy Cubans, whose only crime was exercising their right to express themselves freely about what they considered and consider a just demand: a better Cuba, with freedom and human rights for all. However, their voices were silenced in the worst way, through extreme military orders that transformed a peaceful demonstration into a violent confrontation,” they said.

About to complete the third year of the historic protests, thousands of Cuban mothers, grandmothers and aunts carry in their chests the pain caused by the repression of a totalitarian communist regime. “Our children still sleep under darkness, cold and hunger, in the dungeons of numerous prisons”, they lamented.

The women recalled the letter written by the mothers of the assailants at the Moncada barracks, in which they asked “that the cells be empty,” and compared their actions with those carried out by their children: “our men did not carry lethal weapons.” , nor did they attack barracks, nor did they cause deaths,” they stated.

“As mothers of 11J, we demand the immediate and undisputed return of our beloved children to their homes, to recover the most precious thing we have: the peace of mind of knowing they are with us. That would be the greatest gift we can receive and it becomes essential every second.”the women demanded, reminding the leaders of the regime that every day their children spend in prison is the result of their will and repressive decisions.

Next, CyberCuba publishes the full text of the letter:

Letter to the Cuban people and the world on behalf of the mothers of the political prisoners of 11J.

Mothers symbolize the beginning of life, as well as protection, joy and hope. Being a mother not only means caring for and meeting the basic needs of your children, but also represents unconditional love and support during their personal development.

We, the mothers of the political prisoners of July 11, ask our compatriots and all people of good will in the world to show solidarity with our pain in the face of the unjust and criminal situation suffered by our children, deprived of their freedom for almost three years. They are good men and women, innocent and dignified Cubans, whose only crime was exercising their right to express themselves freely about what they considered and consider a just demand: a better Cuba, with freedom and human rights for all. However, their voices were silenced in the worst way, through extreme military orders that transformed a peaceful demonstration into a violent confrontation.

From those glorious peaceful protests, where the streets of Cuba, from east to west, were flooded with crowds demanding to be heard and whose response was brutal and unnecessary repression; Our children still sleep under darkness, cold and hunger, in the dungeons of numerous prisons.

Today we, with humility and respect for their bravery, ask all Cuban and world mothers to echo our demand for the freedom of our boys, who have been victims only of their political ideal.

Likewise, we ask political and religious leaders, parliaments and organizations around the planet to support the liberation of our children and the efforts of their families, equally affected by this unjust situation.

Just as the mothers of the attackers at the Moncada barracks did in their time: "We ask that the cells be left empty, that the locks on the bars be opened for the release of our children who were only condemned there by an ideal." However, ours did not carry lethal weapons, nor did they assault barracks, nor cause deaths; Even so, they were tried in rigged trials and received long and unjust sentences, which, although they have worn them down physically and emotionally every minute, have strengthened them spiritually.

As mothers of 11J, we demand the immediate and undisputed return of our beloved children to their homes, to recover the most precious thing we have: the peace of mind of knowing they are with us. That would be the greatest gift we can receive and it becomes essential every second.

We know that there are various ways and mechanisms to release them by the country's leadership, what is missing is the political will of those who lead to carry it out.

We invite those who can make the decision to free them, to exercise an act of greatness that brings back to us the fruit of the life that we illuminated. We are Cuban women who have the right to advocate for our children, earnestly asking that the sense of justice be put before draconian political and legal precepts, granting us, once and for all, the freedom of our beloved young people.

Each one of us, without hesitation, will put her infinite maternal love as a shield. We will persevere until exhaustion, but we will never give up until we see you, free thinkers, together with each unjustly divided family.

We are already worn out, the suffering and absence of our children have pushed us to the limit, but we are even willing to put our lives at risk for theirs!

Through this claim we make it clear that no threat or pressure can silence our feelings or dissuade us from the mission that corresponds to us as mothers. We carry as our flag our voice, our love for our children and the conviction that they are innocent.


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