Cuban migrants detained in transit through Guatemala

The migrants were detained at kilometer 209 of route CA2, jurisdiction of Colomba Costa Cuca, Quetzaltenango, in Guatemala.

Inmigrante cubano detenido por la policía de Guatemala © Facebook/PNCdeGuatemala
Cuban immigrant detained by Guatemalan police Photo © Facebook/PNCdeGuatemala

The National Civil Police of Guatemala detained a bus driver transporting 54 migrants, including several Cubans, who were traveling through the country in an irregular situation.

The Cubans were part of a group made up of 17 minors and nationals of Colombia and Venezuela., who were detained at kilometer 209 of route CA2, jurisdiction of Colomba Costa Cuca, Quetzaltenango.

Capture of Facebook/PNCdeGuatemala

All were assisted by the National Civil Police and then placed at the disposal of the Guatemalan Migration Institute. to resolve their immigration situation.

The bus driver was identified as Denis, a 26-year-old young man who was placed at the disposal of the corresponding court.

In early February, Guatemalan authorities reported that at least six Cuban migrants died in a tragic car accident on a highway heading to the border with Mexico.

While in the middle of the month itself, The authorities of the Central American country expelled a Cuban migrant who was illegal and that he was part of a group of 26 foreigners, among whom were nationals of Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.

Last March, 18 Cuban migrants in an irregular situation who were traveling on a bus were detained in this country in the municipality of Cuilapa, 65 km from Guatemala City, the country's capital.

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