Emotional surprise reunion of a Cuban with her mother in Cuba: "You're going to break my heart"

Cubana returns to the island by surprise to see her mother and she can't believe it.

TikTok once again makes us participate in one of those reunions that end in tears for its protagonists and all those who view it on social networks. On this occasion the protagonist was a Cuban who returned without warning to the island to surprise her mother, who couldn't believe that her daughter was at the door of her house when they knocked.

The emotional video captures the moment in which the Cuban woman calls home waiting for her mother to come out, and when she comes out she is shocked. "You're going to break my heart," She tells her daughter completely excited and with tears in her eyes without being able to react.

When the woman doesn't approach her daughter after a few seconds, she tells her. "Will you not give me a kiss? I'm leaving again," laughing, and at her words, the excited mother hugs her through tears.

This scene was published by TikTok user @negritachula89, where it is about to reach 180 thousand views in just one day, becoming one of those viral reunions due to the emotion it transmits.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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