Unusual: They capture the seaplane entering Havana Bay

A social media user recorded the flight of the seaplane over a sea as calm as a plate from a balcony of a building on Havana's Malecón avenue.

An unusual image caught the attention of the curious who on Monday morning saw a seaplane from the Malecón entering the Bay of Havana in low flight.

“Very rarely seen: Seaplane, apparently coming from the north, landing in Havana Bay,” he indicated in his social networks a user who shared a video of the aircraft maneuver.

According to the reporter, the event took place around 9:30 am. His camera captured the flight of the seaplane over a sea as calm as a plate from a balcony of a building on Havana's Malecón avenue.

A user questioned whether the aircraft came from the “north” and commented that its trajectory came from the east of the island. “No, it did not come from the north, from the east. I saw it flying from the National Hotel, I have read that it belongs to the Turks who have the electricity-generating boats.”

Furthermore, the publication generated an interesting exchange among other users who maintained that this was an unusual event in these times, but that it was common before 1959, providing all types of graphic documentation to prove it.

“True, very rarely seen since 64 years ago, because before that, it was very natural to see them. The same in tourism trips as in the Post Office,” indicated a Facebook user who shared a series of photographs of these devices in Havana, including one of the Aeromarine Airways dock in the Bay of Havana, an airline that connected the Cuban capital. with Key West.

Facebook / Hanoi Meneses

For his part, the Cuban writer Enrique del Risco remembered the arrival of the Cuban boxing champion Kid Chocolate to the capital from the United States, aboard one of these devices. “Like when Kid Chocolate arrived after his world championship,” he said.

“Apparently, in the early 1930s there were regular seaplane flights between Havana and Florida, so it's not unusual for the Kid to use one. By then the Rancho Boyeros airport already existed (in addition to Columbia, which was the first) but it seems that some preferred to arrive that way,” commented another, sharing a 1932 photograph of a seaplane bound for Florida in Havana Bay.

Facebook / Hanoi Meneses

Before 1959, Cuba was one of the leading countries in the industrial and technological modernization of Latin America. The first flights of German Junkers seaplanes in the region left Havana, where they had arrived in pieces in the early 1920s aboard a steamship from Germany.

Postage stamp from 1927 with an image of a seaplane flying over the Cuban capital

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