"Le dice mami": This is the sound of Charly & Johayron's new release

Even before its release, the song was already a hit on social media.

Charly & Johayron are releasing "Le dicen mami" this Friday, a song that their fans have been eagerly anticipating for several weeks.

The song landed on digital platforms along with a music video that the artists promoted on their Instagram profile.

We are now on the streets. 'Le dicen mami' out now! Songs for always,” the artists assured on that social network.

Even before the release, the lyrics of the song were already circulating on social media:

She is making a lot of noise.

Sweet as caramel

And no matter what she wears, her great body is always visible.

It's just that she is not success.

That girl is the total success.

The outfit on his/her face.

Without a pledge, she is expensive.

He has great talent, he has great talent.

Asere, I like it.

That has me staying at home like a soap opera.

Asere, I like it.

More than the beans my grandmother used to make me.

I am focused and determined.

He arrived and planted the flag.

She does not want her on the track.

He/she wants me to sing it a capella.

Ohhh ahhh

He/she doesn't have children and they call him/her mommy.

She is the pleasure

That luxury that not everyone gets.

Ohhh ahhh

Don't look at me because all of that is for me.

We made a lifelong pact.

Until the little box until I die

Ohhh ahhh

She doesn't have children and they call her mommy.

It's that she is delightful.

That luxury is not given to just anyone.

Ohhh ahhh

Don't look at me because all of that is for me.

We made a lifelong pact.

I will keep fighting until I die.

Ey ey ey addicted to mine

All that is mine, for sure.

Let her dance, I let her go confidently

It's that I put a padlock down there.

I chew and savor it.

Like a little bite of ice cream.

Mine is off-limits

But if you let me touch it, I'll give it to you.

I am confident a thousand to one.

Because mine is a bullet and it doesn't look to the side.

She has a Master's in making me feel good.

And leave behind all the bad.

What's mine is not to be touched

But if you let me touch it, I'll give it to you.

Ohhh ahhh

She doesn't have children, but they call her mommy.

It's just that she is a pleasure.

That luxury is not given to just anyone.

Ohhh ahhh

Don't look at me because all of that is for me.

We made a lifelong pact.

Until the little box until I die.

She is making a lot of noise

Sweet as caramel

And she looks amazing in whatever she wears.

It's just that she is not success.

That girl is a huge success.

The outfit of her face

Without a guarantee, she is expensive.

He has a lot of talent, he has a lot of talent.

Ohhh ahhh

She does not have children, but they call her "mom."

It's just that she is a delight.

That luxury is not given to just anyone.

Ohhh ahhh

Don't look at me because all of that is for me.

We made a lifelong pact.

Until the little box until I die

What do you think?


Filed under:

Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment.

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