Police summons Cuban participant in Baracoa protest.

The protester was threatened with being charged with disobedience.

Antonio Delgado Hernández © Facebook/Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos
Antonio Delgado HernándezPhoto © Facebook/Cuban Observatory of Human Rights

The Cuban police summoned Antonio Delgado Hernández on Friday, one of the participants in the protests in Baracoa against the power outages last Thursday.

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights reported that Delgado Hernandez was verbally summoned without reasons by the sector chief of his area to appear next Monday, the 20th in the morning before an officer of the State Security.

Likewise, he said he was threatened with being accused of "disobeying authorities" if he does not attend the interview.

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Although the regime assures that it does not repress people who peacefully protest in Cuba, it continues to summon participants in protests against blackouts, hunger, and shortages.

On Thursday, residents of Baracoa, in Guantánamo, staged a street protest after a day of power outages that left them without electricity supply for more than 14 hours.

Videos shared on social media showed the residents of Baracoa in the streets, expressing their outrage at the abusive lack of electricity supply and the daily scarcity of food they suffer.

The regime states that the energy crisis does not have a short-term solution and expects more protests in the summer.

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