Daniela Reyes confesses what luxury item she always wanted to have and now owns: "It was a dream for me to be able to buy it myself."

The Cuban influencer revealed that her dream object was a handbag she bought two years ago, which was valued at almost $10,000.

Daniela Reyes © Instagram / Daniela Reyes
Daniela ReyesPhoto © Instagram / Daniela Reyes

Daniela Reyes is a lover of handbags, specifically those from the Chanel brand. In fact, the Cuban influencer owns several of these accessories. A dream come true for her, as she revealed in a Q&A session with her Instagram followers.

Yomil Hidalgo's girlfriend responded to some of the curiosities that her fans have about her, and one of them was what material object she had always wanted to have and now has. One answer that Daniela Reyes had clear, who shared a video showing the first Chanel bag she bought in 2022. A piece that was valued at over $9,000 at the time of her purchase.

There are many things in my life beyond material possessions that I desired and today I have achieved them, which make me happy. But in terms of material things, I dreamed of my first Chanel bag and it was a dream for me to be able to buy it for myself," the actress also revealed to her followers.

Instagram screenshot

Daniela Reyes is one of the most popular Cuban influencers on Instagram with over 1 million followers. The young woman has earned the affection of her community with her charisma, personality, and also with her stylish way of dressing. On her social media feed, she shares some of her best looks, always on trend.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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