A wall falls on tourist cars in a parking lot at Transtur in Holguín.

At least 12 cars from different brands can be seen in the images affected.

Autos dañados © Facebook / ACCIDENTES BUSES Y CAMIONES
Damaged carsPhoto © Facebook / BUS AND TRUCK ACCIDENTS

The sudden collapse of a wall damaged more than a dozen rental cars for tourism, many of them new, belonging to the company Transtur from the Cuban province of Holguín.

A post in the Facebook group "BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS, more experience and fewer victims" shows that the wall that delimited the parking lot of the company, dedicated to the rental of cars for tourism in the territory, collapsed on several imported vehicles.

In the images, at least 12 cars from different brands can be counted as affected.

Post inFacebook

Many of them still did not have assigned license plates, which could indicate that they are new.

In recent months, Cuba has acquired several batches of new cars in order to revive the weakened tourism sector; meanwhile, hospitals lack ambulances and funeral homes lack hearses.

Several Internet users reacted to the post indicating that "no one cares about what happens on the island."

Fallen wall

Simple are Liborio's sounds. Did no one notice the deterioration of that wall? Who will they charge for it? and so all the unanswered questions of today can arise. It doesn't hurt anyone," wrote a member of the group.

"Like everything that happens, nobody noticed that wall in poor condition, I mean the bosses, worse things will keep happening, nobody cares about this," said another.

Collapsed wall

Irresponsibility, poor management, lack of commitment from the boss to the guard, carrying out constructions just for the sake of it without considering the consequences and without realizing that the money spent on buying those cars could have been used to buy ambulances or medications for the people. This only leads to one thing: firing all those responsible, starting with the boss, and making those who built the wall pay the price for the cars, as stated by a third party.

What do you think?


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