He did it again: The promise payer returns to El Cobre

Omas Quintero began a new pilgrimage in March from Havana to El Cobre in Santiago de Cuba, arriving on the eve of Mother's Day.

 © Collage Facebook / Sin FiltRo con Davide Cuttica
Photo © Collage Facebook / No Filter with Davide Cuttica

Omar Quintero, known as the Payer of Promises, once again demonstrated his devotion to the Virgin of Charity, an unbreakable will, and a deep love for his son by making a pilgrimage from Havana to El Cobre, in Santiago de Cuba.

In 2022, this man became well-known in the country for his promise to walk from Havana to El Cobre, to ask the saint to save his son sick with cancer.

The Fulfiler of Promises achieves it again. One day before Mother's Day, Omar Quintero arrived in El Cobre," stated a person who identifies as Sin FiltRo with Davide Cuttica on Facebook this Monday.

Facebook screenshot / No Filter with Davide Cuttica

Last March, he decided to travel the same route again, once more in memory of his son, but this time accompanied only by an image of the Virgin of Charity of El Cobre and a small backpack.

At the beginning of May, several users on social media requested help for this man, who was seen without the company and popular support he had during his first pilgrimage.

One of them was Luis Emilio Concepción Chacón, who on the first of May met with the Promise Paymaster, arriving alone in Sabanilla, on the road to Bayamo, and concerned about his situation, he asked for help on social media urging people to accompany and assist him.

Screenshot from Facebook / Luis Emilio Concepción Chacón

Does anyone remember this man, the Vow Payer, who is currently arriving at Sabanilla, on the road to Bayamo, with no one accompanying him, please help him," the young man requested.

What do you think?


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