Don Francisco: "The only country I don't know is Cuba."

Don Francisco says that although he has not been to Cuba, he feels that he knows it deeply thanks to the years he worked with Cubans. "One of my dreams is to go there someday."

The popular TV host Don Francisco said that the only country he does not know is Cuba due to its political situation.

The famous 83-year-old Chilean entertainer claims that although he has not traveled to the Island, he feels he knows it deeply thanks to all the years he has worked with Cubans.

"The only country I don't know is Cuba, and it is the one I know the most," said wildlife photographer Ron Magill to him, who years ago worked with him on the remembered program Sábado Gigante, which Cubans watched clandestinely.

"I know from the auctions in Guane to... I know all the stories, but physically I have never been there because there have been political troubles and all that; that's why I haven't gone. But it is one of my dreams to go there someday," he asserted.

Don Francisco pointed out that getting to know the stories and culture of Cuba have made him eager to visit the island, and he recommended watching the documentary Cuba and the Cameraman, with which he further deepened his connection with the Caribbean country.

The host shared a clip of the interview on his Instagram profile, and in the comments section, the comedy duo Los Pichy Boys told him: "Thank you for not visiting Cuba until it is free from Communism! #NoTravelToCuba."

On the other hand, Magill, who has been to the Island, recalled the surprise he had from the moment he set foot in the airport and saw that everyone recognized him from Sábado Gigante, since despite the government restrictions, people managed to find a way to watch the show.

"I am walking through the streets of Havana and people are shouting from the balconies: 'Ron Magill! ¡Sábado Gigante!'. And they come down to take pictures, to invite me to eat. And I always say: 'But how can you watch this show?'. Because it's not legal in Cuba: El Paquete," emphasized the spokesperson from the Miami Zoo, who in 2017 attended an event on the conservation of ecological diversity held in Havana.

Last year, Don Francisco said he never traveled to Cuba out of respect for the exile community in Miami but that he would love to visit.

"I did not travel to Cuba because in Miami there is a very large Cuban community that has its own problems and pains, and I never wanted to interfere with that. I never got involved in anything political. Not here, not there, not in the United States, not about Cuba, nor anywhere else," he said in an interview with El País.

"I would love to visit Cuba. I think I know it better than any country I have not visited. I know it through hundreds of stories. My dream was to one day go to Cuba with 10 people who had gone 50 years ago and return to the places where they were children, where they went to school, where they had their first kiss," he commented.

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