Inspirational debut: Cuban shines on TV show without singing experience and defying family criticism.

Rachel Rodríguez, despite the criticisms, shined on the show "Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento".

The story of Cuban Rachel Rodríguez has inspired on the show "Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento": despite her first time on stage, no experience performing in front of strangers or musical training, and also facing family criticism, she managed to captivate the judges of the program in the United States.

The 21-year-old woman, a resident of Miami, Florida, impressed the talent show judges with her beautiful performance of the song "La Ley del Monte," composed by José Ángel Espinosa Aragón, as shown in a video shared on Facebook by the television show.

"Everyone told you not to come, they said you scream, even your brother blocked you," commented one of the jury members, who admitted feeling completely captivated by the talent and story of the young woman, who is currently studying sonography and working as a medical assistant.

"They told me 'don't show up anywhere, you have no talent, you won't get anywhere'," replied the Cuban contestant, winning the sympathy of the jury.

One should never give up because of what others might say, but keep going until the end," Rodriguez confessed, admitting that her mom is the only person who has always supported her.

At the end of her performance, the young woman not only earned the applause of the audience and the approval of the jury, but one of its members, the singer Ana Bárbara, turned to the contestant's brother and said to him: "You made a serious mistake and hopefully you can make amends with your little sister because there really is a great talent hidden there and often insecurity inhibits you."

Before leaving the stage, visibly emotional, Rodriguez addressed her mom with a deep message: "Thank you very much for always being there for me".

Recently, another Cuban literally won over the judges of "Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento" with his rendition of "Cuando yo quería ser grande," a song that is very remembered in the voice of Vicente Fernández.

With his performance, Alexander Capote got the jury on their feet and received a beautiful compliment from one of the panel members, Mexican singer Ana Bárbara, who told him: "You have the best voice of the season."

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