Director of the Electric Union to Cubans: "We have no more generation"

"Savings is one of the most important resources that Cuba still has," said the official.

The director of the Electric Union (UNE), Alfredo López Valdés, stated that the country does not have any more generation capacity, therefore he recommended reducing household consumption "for the benefit of the country".

In reality, there is a generation limit that exists at the moment. We do not have any more generation, and to the extent that we are more rational in the use of electricity, we will have fewer power outages," emphasized the official in a television program alongside the President Miguel Díaz-Canel.

In the midst of growing popular discontent, the director of UNE recommended that "those who have an air conditioner should use it rationally," at "24 degrees and in a sealed room," to "support the country."

According to López Valdés, he is not "blaming the people" for the increase in demand and "wants the people's standard of living to increase," but he emphasized that "saving is still one of the most important resources that Cuba has."

These statements arise in the midst of a critical situation in the national electricity system, where the lack of fuel has been compounded by the shutdown of several generating units due to "failures or maintenance," resulting in power outages of up to 20 hours in various areas of the country.

In the midst of the acute crisis pointing towards a general collapse in the country, the regime has launched a program led by Díaz-Canel addressing the most urgent issues affecting popular discontent.

Episode number 6, titled "What's going on with electricity in Cuba?", aims to calm the residents on the island, many of whom have already erupted in demonstrations and street protests.

The energy crisis keeps the people in a perpetual distress as reports come in 24 hours a day. The ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel had to admit that the power outages in recent days have been "terrible".

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