The United States deports another 45 Cubans by air.

41 men and four women traveled on the flight.

Vuelo de deportación © MININT / X
Deportation flightPhoto © MININT / X

The United States government deported another 45 Cubans by air on Thursday, many of them rafters who reached land or irregular migrants who would have been detained at the borders with Mexico.

The Ministry of Interior reported in a statement that "a flight from the USA brought back to Cuba on May 23 45 irregular migrants through José Martí International Airport in Havana."

According to the report, there are 41 men and four women, of whom 11 left the island illegally by sea, while 34 did so legally by air, but they joined irregular routes to reach the U.S. border.

With this operation, the fifth one this year from the U.S., totaling 42 returns with 646 individuals from various countries in the region so far this year, the post details.

Returned migrants are usually those with a deportation order after being detained at the border and released with an I220B document or rafters who reached land.

On the other hand, those detained by the Coast Guard at sea are returned by maritime means, and the number has already reached around 400 so far this fiscal year.

Cuba receives a deportation flight from the United States every month, and in April, it reported that it could receive up to two flights per month.

The last operation took place on April 25 with 47 illegal immigrants on board, and the third flight from the U.S. occurred in March, when 61 irregular Cuban immigrants arrived in the country.

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