Clever Cuban distributes food to homeless people in Panama.

The influencer distributed aid to homeless people in Panama.

The YouTuber Iván Valdés Permuy, known in the world of social media as Listillo Cubano, distributed food and money to homeless people in Panama, where he was apparently visiting.

The influencer, who has 3.1 million followers on Facebook, arrived at a neighborhood where there is an abundance of homeless people, many of whom reported being hungry.

Listillo bought several food combos at a local business and distributed them among the affected.

Likewise, he helped others by giving them money to buy food.

The young man has conquered thousands of Cubans with his videos of pranks, jokes, hidden cameras, and social experiments that he has been doing for years both inside and outside the island.

Recently, he handed a box to some children and told them it contained abandoned puppies, to demonstrate the beauty of childhood.

The children grabbed the box and assured her that they would take care of the puppies. Then they had fun when they found out that the container actually held rocks.

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