A Cuban talks about what he has learned in the United States and sparks debate on TikTok.

If you pay the rent, you don't have enough to pay for the car loan; if you pay for insurance, you don't have enough for electricity and water; if you buy food, you don't have enough to send money to your family or treat yourself to the best things.

A Cuban on TikTok sparked a crossfire of comments and reactions by talking about the things he had learned in the United States.

In his video titled "What I have learned from the United States," Arguelles Positivo -as he calls himself online- stated that for him, the United States has been a school where one learns to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. However, he also highlights the financial difficulties that many people face in the country.

The young man who recently sent a message to newcomers to the country points out that most people spend the whole day stressed because they don't know how they are going to pay their bills.

"If you pay the rent, you don't have enough to pay for the car payment; if you pay for insurance, you don't have enough for electricity and water; if you buy food, you don't have enough to send money to your family or treat yourself to the best things," he said in that sense, before acknowledging that someone might say he's crazy and that "that's not true."

"And I'm going to tell you, my brother, the majority of people live day to day or paycheck to paycheck, and that is the reality," he went on to say, before acknowledging that there are those who have achieved financial success - whom he congratulated by sending them blessings, but emphasized that they are a minority.

"And if you have doubts about what I am telling you, simply, the only thing you have to do is when you leave your house, look around, and you will see if what this person is telling you is true or false," recommended in his message, closing by wishing success and blessings to all.

Many users agreed with the perspective of the young Cuban, affirming that the description of financial difficulties is accurate and that living paycheck to paycheck is a reality for most, and that the stress of not being able to cover all bills is common.

Other users pointed out that although financial difficulties are real, there are also opportunities in the United States that allow for achieving success. Some shared personal stories of overcoming obstacles, mentioning that with effort and dedication, they were able to stabilize themselves financially and improve their quality of life.

There were also those who defended life in the United States, arguing that economic conditions vary according to the region and lifestyle of each person. Some comments referred to the sad reality of Cuba, where progress and well-being are impossible to achieve even with effort.

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