MINCEX denies rumors about suspension of exports by Mipymes in Cuba.

The state organization ensures that exports from private producers will be increasingly promoted in Cuba.

Edificio del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior © CiberCuba
Building of the Ministry of Foreign TradePhoto © CiberCuba

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (MINCEX) stated that the rumor about suspending exports of products from small and medium enterprises in Cuba (SMEs) and all forms of non-state management (FGNE), including private entrepreneurs, is false.

"We categorically deny these unfounded claims. We want to clarify that the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment has not issued any provision to suspend exports of non-state agricultural entities (FGNE), including self-employed workers, agricultural producers, and other players in the economy," the ministry stated on social media X.

In addition, the Cuban state organism reaffirmed its commitment to the development and promotion of exports. However, its statements come at a time when the country is going through a severe crisis, with extremely low production levels in key sectors for the national economy.

In its brief statement, MINCEX confirmed that MSMEs and other forms of non-state management will be able to continue exporting their products from Cuba, with the intention of increasing the number of exports.

Last week, the Cuban regime appointed Oscar Pérez-Oliva Fraga as the new Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba, replacing veteran Intelligence official Ricardo Cabrisas (87).

Pérez-Oliva Fraga, grandson of Angelita Castro and nephew of José Antonio Fraga Castro, has a direct family connection to Fidel and Raúl Castro.

Before becoming a minister, Pérez-Oliva Fraga held the position of Director of Business of the Mariel Special Development Zone and served as First Deputy Minister of MINCEX.

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