Eduardo Antonio announces musical collaboration with El Taiger

A new luxury collaboration is cooking up between Cuban artists.

Eduardo Antonio y El Taiger lanzarán tema juntos © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio
Eduardo Antonio and El Taiger will release a song together.Photo © Instagram / Eduardo Antonio

With a photo posing for the camera, Eduardo Antonio announced to his followers on Instagram a new luxury collaboration with a fellow countryman, this time, El Taiger.

"We are going to collaborate on a new musical production," said El Divo alongside the image that, by the description, was taken at the Añejo restaurant in Miami, where he usually performs.

The reactions, mostly praiseworthy, did not take long to appear and many wished blessings and success for the new project.

Regarding the topic, about which they have not given any more clues on social media yet, El Divo told our editorial team that they had discussed "doing something evoking traditional Cuban country music but brought to 2024 and with a current theme."

In his words, he took the opportunity to refer to the mutual respect they have for each other: "There is a great mutual admiration, I also think and believe that El Taiguer is a brave and legitimate man with values, and that is not common in the entertainment industry anymore. I love his music and enjoy it," he added.

Before this post, El Taiger had shared the same image with the eloquent caption "Here with the best in the world."

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