Vandalism in Santa Clara: National train stoned

The act of vandalism occurred at 1:00 am in the city of Santa Clara and caused damage to the passenger car's glass.

Hecho vandálico contra un tren nacional de Cuba. © Collage Facebook / Unión de Ferrocarriles de Cuba
Vandalism against a national train in Cuba.Photo © Facebook Collage / Union of Cuban Railways

The national train from Havana to Holguín was stoned this Monday while passing through the city of Santa Clara in the early hours of the morning, causing damage to the glass of a passenger car.

The Union of Cuban Railways (UFC) reported on Facebook that at 1:00 am, at kilometer 277.500 of the central line, near a sawmill, an incident occurred that caused damage to one of the passenger car windows.

Facebook screenshot / Union of Cuban Railways

According to the UFC, with actions like these, "unscrupulous individuals put people's safety at risk and undermine the media."

Likewise, the statement pointed out that these individuals "hinder the great effort being made by the UFC and its railway workers to increase and maintain the technical availability of these rolling stock equipment."

In the comments section, people denounced this act of vandalism and expressed their dissatisfaction with the Cuban judicial system, which is very lenient in dealing with these criminals but very harsh when it comes to prosecuting people's freedom of expression.

A person responding to the name of Inocencio Alejandro García Castillo expressed the opinion that "in these times there are plenty of reasons to evaluate and give the appropriate nuance to these acts," suggesting that the stoning could have had a political protest undertone.

On her part, Yarselis Despaigne emphasized that vandalism of this nature "endangers the lives of the passengers on board the train."

Recently, several public buses in Havana were vandalized after being stoned while carrying out their regular routes.

A note published by the Havana Provincial Transport Company denounced three incidents of stone-throwing that occurred on different routes.

At the beginning of May, the UFC announced that it was back in operation. After nearly four years out of service, the railway route between Pinar del Río and Havana, a vital link for hundreds of travelers, is operational again.

The train will operate twice a week, with departures on Mondays and Thursdays at 09:00 am from the Pinar del Río station. Return trips will be on Tuesdays and Fridays from Havana, departing at 11:00 am from the "19 de noviembre" station in Tulipán.

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