Travelers must pay 1,500 pesos to be put on the clandestine waiting list for the train in Santiago de Cuba.

"We have been here for weeks trying to travel. Outside, there are like five lists made by people who have this as a business, and the needy people cannot solve it," said one affected person.

Personas que esperan viajar en tren en Santiago de Cuba © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada / Facebook
People waiting to travel by train in Santiago de CubaPhoto © Yosmany Mayeta Labrada / Facebook

The transportation crisis in Cuba is such that people in Santiago de Cuba are paying up to 1,500 pesos to be added to a clandestine waiting list that exists at the train terminal in order to travel.

A woman named Esther reported to journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada the difficulties she is experiencing in order to leave the province.

"We have been here for weeks trying to travel and we have not achieved anything. Outside, there are like five lists made by people who have this as a business and the needy people are the ones who cannot solve it. They charge 1,500 pesos, not to sign up, but to be put on the infamous list," he detailed.

The lady criticized the attitude of the staff at the Railroad Union who do not do their job and questioned why it is necessary to sign up outside on a clandestine list, when their job is to register the people.

"But fundamentally, what is the Railway Police doing that they do not dismantle that chain of illegalities when they themselves know who they are," he emphasized.

Esther sent several photos of some of the people who are involved in that business at the terminal to Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

She added that the person in charge of the list waiting at the station is the director of Viajeros Agency and his name is Eliades. She tried to talk to him but he didn't even want to pay attention to her.

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