VIRAL: Emotional moment when a Cuban grandmother finds out she will be a great-grandmother

VIRAL: Young woman reveals to her Cuban grandmother that she will be a great-grandmother

A Cuban grandmother in Miami had quite a surprise when she received a gift from her granddaughter. The young woman gave her a shirt revealing that she is pregnant and that she is about to become a great-grandmother. A beautiful moment that the soon-to-be mother shared with us in a TikTok video that has gone viral on the social network.

The user who shared the surprise she gave to her grandmother is @alexa.abril, who is just weeks away from welcoming her first child. To let her Cuban grandmother know she is pregnant, she gave her a T-shirt that said "great-grandmother." However, the lady had a hard time understanding the message...

"Why didn't you put grandmother on it?" asked the Cuban grandmother to her granddaughter, thinking she had made a mistake in giving her the shirt with that word. "Because I'm letting you know something," the young girl replied. Faced with this, the lady couldn't help but get excited, moving her legs and hugging her granddaughter, surprised by the happy news.

Undoubtedly, a beautiful moment that none of the protagonists will forget, who have become viral on TikTok, where Alexa Abril's video has surpassed 1.7 million views.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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