Legislator María Elvira Salazar praises President Javier Milei and calls for Argentina to be included in the APEP.

The representative for Florida requested in Congress and through a message to the American president, the inclusion of Argentina in the American alliance APEP.

Republican legislator María Elvira Salazar, a declared admirer of President Javier Milei, defined the Argentine president as "a moral reference for the Western Hemisphere" last Friday and requested in the US Congress that Argentina be included in the Alliance for Economic Prosperity in the Americas (APEP, according to its initials in English).

The Republican representative posted a video on the social network X of her recent speech in Congress, in front of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, which was accompanied by a letter addressed to President Joe Biden advocating for the inclusion of Argentina in the APEP.

Today in Latin America, there is no president with a more pro-freedom agenda than Javier Milei. He is working to turn around years of economic mistakes in a country with tremendous but wasted potential," the legislator asserted.

The former host of CNN and Telemundo mentioned as an example the Argentine president's support for Blinken's agenda: "Ukraine, Israel, anti-China, Venezuela, Cuba, Taiwan, open markets".

For his part, Blinken replied that he visited Argentina last February and assured that he would be "happy" to consider the legislator's letter, to which Salazar responded: "We need more Milei in Latin America."

The legislator emphasized in the letter that the Argentine president is "fighting to break free from the socialist curse."

Milei is giving Argentina the tough medicine it needs right now to get inflation under control and undo decades of bad socialist management. What Argentina desperately needs now is the help of its allies who think the same, such as the United States," he noted.

Recently, members of the United States Congress Mario Díaz-Balart, María Elvira Salazar, and Carlos Giménez, along with Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, all Republicans from Florida, denounced the failure of the Biden administration to exclude the Cuban regime from the list of countries that do not cooperate with terrorism, a decision made by the State Department.

For María Elvira Salazar, the measure is undoubtedly a sign that the White House is paving the way to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

"How is it possible that a dictatorship that finances terrorism in Latin America, supports Hamas, and shelters international terrorists on its territory is now 'cooperating' with the United States in anti-terrorism?", questioned.

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