Animal protectors save dog attacked with a machete by a man in Sancti Spiritus

The dog Yeiko was a victim of the brutality of a man who supposedly was his owner, until, after being rescued, the person to whom he really belonged appeared.

The animal protectors of Sancti Spiritus, accustomed to witnessing both displays of love and acts of mistreatment towards pets, were shocked to learn that a man was capable of committing the horrendous crime of macheting his dog and leaving it still alive to die.

The ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation became aware of the incident on May 20th and immediately, amidst the power outages, mobilized its members to save the life of this dog, who had ended up in the wrong hands.

"When everyone was asleep, our foundation suffered alongside the medical team that fought tirelessly to save Yeiko's life," they pointed out on Facebook, denouncing the horrendous crime at the same time.

Facebook screenshot / ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation

The surgery ended at 1:30 am, after struggling to stabilize him, as he arrived in shock and practically unconscious," they pointed out.

Additionally, they pointed out that the surgery ended up with more than 50 stitches because the dog arrived with wounds on its head, with one eye exposed, which it eventually lost, and also with a jaw fracture.

The next day, Yeiko was bathed, received the prescribed medications, and walked. But the most important thing is his true owner, appeared.

According to the foundation, she had been searching for her dog for months, which passed from owner to owner until it became a victim of brutal abuse.

"Despite the time that had passed without seeing his owner, Yeiko - whose name we found out at that moment - reacted in an incredible way," they expressed while praising those people who defend animals even in the current circumstances of scarcity.

Through its Facebook page, the animal protection organization shared the positive evolution of the dog, exciting its followers with details such as the moment when he stood up for the first time with help, or when he peed, after his urgent surgical intervention.

Facebook screenshot / ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation

However, last Friday, Yeiko underwent surgery due to the infection he had in his wounds, "a drainage was left and a part will heal by second intention," the protectors pointed out. "There are still many days of recovery ahead for this warrior who clings to life tooth and nail."

Facebook screenshot / ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation

However, the latest images shared by the foundation are the ones that followers were eagerly awaiting: Yeiko in the home from which he should never have left, surrounded by people who, through their affection, are willing to erase his bad memories.

Screenshot from Facebook / ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation

"The wounds are healing and so is her heart," they pointed out.

This story, although it demonstrates that people with horrifying feelings can exist, also shows that there are others who harbor great kindness.

However, there are animals that are currently disappearing in Cuba, affected by the worst economic crisis of recent decades, and are never found again.

Recently, the animal advocate identified on social media as Miriela Ramos López warned that in some areas of Havana, cats have disappeared, hinting that they may have been eaten.

Facebook screenshot / Mariela Ramos López

"I want to raise an alert, two days ago in Playa, near La Puntilla store, there was not a single cat left, neither stray nor from a family," emphasized in the Facebook group "Animal Protection Society in Cuba."

However, on the other side of the coin are the animal protectors in Cuba who made a call to the citizens to place containers of water so that dogs, cats, and birds can hydrate, due to the heatwave affecting the country and keeping temperatures high.

Facebook screenshot / CEDA - Cubans in Defense of Animals

The organization Cubans in Defense of Animals (CEDA) warned on Facebook about the importance of keeping animals hydrated in the midst of high temperatures, pointing out that they need to drink water now more than ever.

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