They are asking for help for an abandoned puppy in Centro Habana.

The owner decided to get rid of the puppy because "it has a lot of bugs." Activists and animal lovers are asking those who can provide help to share the message and collaborate in the rescue.

Perrito abandonado © Facebook/Susy Dueñas/Sociedad protectora de animales en Cuba
Abandoned puppyPhoto © Facebook/Susy Dueñas/Animal Protection Society in Cuba

An urgent call has been issued through social media to help a puppy that was abandoned at the intersection of Gervasio and San Rafael, in Centro Habana.

According to the message posted by user Susy Dueñas in the Facebook group "Animal Protection Society in Cuba," the owner decided to get rid of the animal because it "has a lot of bugs."

Facebook post/Susy Dueñas/Animal Protection Society in Cuba

The little dog is now in danger of being run over by the cars circulating in the area, which is why it urgently needs a home or shelter.

Activists and animal lovers are asking those who can provide help to share the message and collaborate in rescuing this abandoned puppy before it's too late.

The situation of abandoned pets in Cuba has worsened amid the economic crisis the country is experiencing. Many Cubans, facing a lack of food, resources for veterinary care, or emigration, are forced to abandon their animals.

This case is just one more in a growing trend. Earlier this month, activist and animal rights advocate Yenney Caballero made a desperate call to save a blind and sick dog about to be euthanized in Havana.

Similarly, a Cuban woman urgently requested help for a puppy in Havana that was left homeless after its owners sold the house.

In September, the Cuban government acknowledged that there is an increase in cases of animal abuse in the country, evidenced by the growing number of posts on social media that denounce inhumane and cruel acts, some of which end with the animals' death.

The National Center for Animal Health acknowledged in a note published on its website that, although the population systematically reports cases of abuse, many of these reports lack the necessary information to investigate properly and take appropriate measures.

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