Cubana explodes against El Taiger and Ja Rulay: "A people dying of hunger and you guys thinking about fighting."

You owe it to your audience, both of you owe it to your audience; you are who you are because of the public, and now you are starting to change with all the cockiness and stupidity you're bringing.

A Cuban woman expressed her indignation on TikTok after the controversial confrontation between the reggaeton artists El Taiger and Ja Rulay in Varadero.

In a video uploaded to her profile, the Cuban woman, who emphasizes that she is not an artist or influencer, lashed out at musicians for their regrettable behavior, describing it as "cheap bravado" that contributes nothing positive.

The young woman, who goes by the name Dianelis Vallinbat online, highlighted the irresponsibility of both artists, especially El Taiger, whom she pointed out for wasting his talent on conflicts instead of focusing on his music and his audience. "You have so much talent, why are you involved in that world?" she questioned, emphasizing that his behavior disappoints his fans and his family.

The Cuban artist also had words for Ja Rulay, reminding him that he has a rising music career and that getting involved in public fights will only bring negative consequences. "You were wrong, but well, you decided to resolve it by going with 10 men to stab a man who didn't even throw anything at you," she stated. She also added: "Ja Rulay, a young man who is just starting out and growing as a musician, why are you getting yourself involved in all of that too, buddy?"

Dianelis' message goes beyond a simple critique of reggaeton artists, also addressing the social and economic situation in Cuba. "A people dying of hunger and you thinking about fighting, stabbing, showing off," she said, urging them to focus on what really matters and to respect their audience and their families.

"That's why the Cubans talked so much about us because of that filth and all that bravado and all that stupidity they have," added Dianelis, calling on both artists to reflect and focus on their music careers and social responsibility.

In his words, he also questioned the performance of the authorities and individuals in charge of the event: "I don't understand anything, the police, nothing happens, so you see that there is someone on the street picking up bottles, selling bottles, earning a living, and they want to give that person a thousand years, and all those people ending up there in a public place, and nothing happens, damn it, how long will this go on."

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