The adorable moment of El Taiger with his grandmother in Cuba amidst his controversy with Ja Rulay.

El Taiger shares a tender moment with his grandmother in Cuba while facing controversy with Ja Rulay.

El Taiger is in the eye of the storm after the confrontation with Ja Rulay during an event in Varadero. A fight that is generating a lot of discussion on social media and about which several Cuban artists have spoken out, including José Manuel Carvajal himself, who has given his version of what happened in Cuba.

However, while everyone is focused on the feud between the two reggaeton artists, the singer of "La Historia" took advantage of his visit to the island to enjoy the company of one of the most special and important people in his life: his grandmother.

He shared a moment of complicity with his grandmother amid the controversy and wanted to share it with all his Instagram followers in a video where they are seen laughing and hugging.

"It is a joy when she sees me," wrote El Taiger in the caption of the video, in which we see his grandmother very happy next to her grandson.

In reaction to these images, her fans and followers have not hesitated to point out that she should focus precisely on her family instead of controversies.

"Dedicate fully to your family, focus on your music, stay away from all controversies, and you will see what you will become," "Instead of fighting, look at your grandmother," "I wish you were always like this and stayed away a bit more from controversies," or "You have a beautiful family, La Tranka, stay out of trouble," are some of the pieces of advice given by your loyal fans.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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