The UNE announces another day of strong blackouts in Cuba: "When will the improvement come?"

Yesterday, the service was disrupted due to a 24-hour capacity deficit.

The report from the Electric Union (UNE) today to inform about the disruptions that occurred yesterday and to warn about the expected volume of power outages this Wednesday, revealed that the crisis remains above 1,000 MW of disruptions for this Wednesday.

However, they lower the expectation of power outages from the previous day, placing it at 1,111 MW of power outages during peak hours.

The entity reported that yesterday, as is customary, the electric service was affected 24 hours a day, with blackouts reaching 1,356 MW at 9 o'clock in the evening, that is, 84 MW below what had been announced.

The availability of the National Electric Power System (SEN) at 7:00 a.m. today was 2,100 MW and the demand was 2,820 MW, with 748 MW affected by a deficit in generating capacity.

The forecast for power outages during daytime hours for this Wednesday is 950 MW.

Three thermoelectric units are currently out of order: units 6 and 8 of the Mariel CTE and unit 2 of the Felton CTE. Unlike the previous day, they no longer mention unit 5 of the Renté CTE as being out of order.

The maintenance of unit 5 of the CTE Mariel, the Varadero Energas plant, units 1 and 3 of the CTE Santa Cruz, and unit 1 of the CTE Felton are currently underway.

The limitations in thermal generation amount to 394 MW, which is higher than the previous day. Fifty-one distributed generation plants are out of service due to fuel issues, three more than on Tuesday, with 398 MW affected by this issue.

For the peak, the entry of Distributed Generation engines that are currently out of fuel with 80 MW is estimated, the entry of Unit 6 of the Mariel CTE with 95 MW, the entry of Unit 4 of Varadero Energas with 30 MW, and the entry of the unit of Puerto Escondido with 14 MW.

With this forecast, a availability of 2,319 MW and a maximum demand of 3,360 MW are estimated for peak hour, resulting in a deficit of 1,041 MW. Therefore, if the forecasted conditions persist, an impact of 1,111 MW is predicted during this time period.

Despite the reduction of about 300 MW in planned blackouts compared to the previous day, the deficit continues to be very high, which was evidenced by the displeasure expressed in the comments section by dozens of internet users.

"What a beautiful number: 1,111 MW of deficit to continue massacring the people... total disaster... the people can't even sleep anymore"; "Electric Union UNE, you are disrespectful. Until when the abuse?"; "We have advanced so much that I can almost see myself in a bonfire like the indigenous people," were some opinions.

"Gentlemen, don't you see that they are slowly killing us psychologically? There is no strength to work, no motivation to study, we don't know how to tell our children that there is no food, there is no cold water to relieve these horrible and unbearable heat, and they keep asking for creative resistance," protested another Cuban.

There were also references to the forecast of the UNE technical director, who promised an improvement for this week, an improvement that at least for the moment is not substantial.

Lazarito Guerra said that there would be an improvement during the week. What he didn't say was from which century. The cynicism of these people has no limits. The only improvement I see is for them to leave noooow," concluded another commenter.

In Lázaro Guerra's report for this Wednesday, the UNE's technical director reiterated his previous optimism by stating that the situation should gradually improve, following the progressive reintegration of units that were damaged or under maintenance.

What do you think?


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